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Racoon uses matchit crate internally to handle routing and extract path parts.

You can access the query_params and path_params from the request instance.


You need to use view! macro to wrap your async views.

use racoon::core::path::Path;
use racoon::core::request::Request;
use racoon::core::response::{HttpResponse, Response};
use racoon::core::response::status::ResponseStatus;
use racoon::core::server::Server;
use racoon::core::shortcuts::SingleText;

use racoon::view;

async fn hello_world(request: Request) -> Response {
    println!("{}", request.query_params.value("name"));
    println!("{}", request.path_params.value("id"));
    HttpResponse::ok().body("Hello World")

async fn main() {
    let paths = vec![
        Path::new("/", view!(hello_world)),
        Path::new("/{id}/", view!(hello_world)),

    let _ = Server::bind("")
        .urls(paths) // Pass urls here
To know more about pattern matching, please read the matchit documentation.