Server binding options
Racoon provides multiple ways to bind server which allows you to have low level controls.
Binding to host port number
async fn main() {
let result = Server::bind("").urls(...).run().await;
println!("Failed to run server: {:?}", result);
Binding to Unix Domain Socket
async fn main() {
let result = Server::bind_uds("tmp.sock");
println!("Failed to run server: {:?}", result);
Binding to TLS
async fn main() {
let result = Server::bind_tls("", "../cert.pem", "../key.pem")
println!("Failed to run server: {:?}", result);
Custom binding to TLS
use racoon::core::server::utils;
async fn main() {
let tls_acceptor = utils::tls_acceptor_from_path("../cert.pem", "../key.pem").unwrap();
let tcp_listener = TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
let result = Server::bind_tls_custom(tcp_listener, tls_acceptor)
println!("Failed to run server: {:?}", result);
Binding from TcpListener
async fn main() {
let tcp_listener = TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
let result = Server::from_tcp_listener(tcp_listener)
println!("Failed to run server: {:?}", result);