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Server configurations

Buffer size

The default buffer size to read/write from stream is 8096 bytes. You can specify buffer size in the Server instance.

let server = Server::bind("").buffer_size(4094).urls(...).run().await;

Form constraints

These constraints are automatically applied when you call request.parse() method.

// These form constraints are the default form constraints used while parsing form body.
// Modify according to your need. All size are in bytes.
let form_constraints = FormConstraints::new(
    512 * 1024 * 1024, // Max body size
    2 * 1024 * 1024, // Max header size 
    512 * 1024 * 1024, // Max file size
    2 * 1024 * 1024, // Max text value size
    HashMap::new() // Field sizes by their names

let server = Server::bind("")

Request constraints

These constraints are automatically applied while reading incoming requests from the client. This will return Request Header Field Too Large status response if header size is too large than the size specified in constraint.

// These request constraints are used while reading requests header.
let request_constraints = RequestConstraints {
    max_request_header_size: 5 * 1024 * 1024, // Maximum allowed header size in bytes
    max_header_count: 100, // Maximum number of headers allowed

let server = Server::bind("")

TCP Nodelay

To set nodelay for socket client streams, use server.nodelay() method. This configuration will do nothing if you are using Unix Domain Socket.

let server = Server::bind("")
        .nodelay() // Set nodelay