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Racoon provides interface to access session values from the Request instance. By default, racoon uses FileSessionManager for managing and storing the session data.

FileSessionManager uses Sqlite database and it is lazily created at .cache/session when for the first time session.set() is invoked.

Basic Usage

use racoon::core::path::Path;
use racoon::core::request::Request;
use racoon::core::response::status::ResponseStatus;
use racoon::core::response::{HttpResponse, Response};

use racoon::core::server::Server;
use racoon::view;

async fn home(request: Request) -> Response {
    let session = request.session;
    let name = session.get("Hello World").await;
    // Reads session value
    println!("name: {:?}", name);

    let _ = session.set("location", "Ktm").await;

    // Removes session value
    let _ = session.remove("name").await;

    // Destory session
    let _ = session.destroy().await;

    HttpResponse::ok().body("Hello World")

Custom session manager

To create custom session manager, you need to implement AbstractSessionManager trait from the racoon::core::session module.

struct RedisSessionManager;

impl AbstractSessionManager for RedisSessionManager {
        fn set(
        session_id: &String,
        name: &str,
        value: &str,
    ) -> SessionResult<std::io::Result<()>> {

    fn get(&self, session_id: &String, name: &str) -> SessionResult<Option<String>> {

    fn remove(&self, session_id: &String, name: &str) -> SessionResult<std::io::Result<()>> {

    fn destroy(&self, session_id: &String) -> SessionResult<std::io::Result<()>> {

async fn main() {
    let paths = vec![Path::new("/", view!(home))];

    let custom_session_manager = RedisSessionManager {};
    let result = Server::bind("")
            .set_session_manager(custom_session_manager) // Set your custom session manager here
    println("{:?}", result);